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Shinzui Shuhō 真髄手法 is a unique whole-body manual therapy that integrates the practices of East Asian bodywork, particularly Ampuku, with the latest developments in Western anatomy and advances in therapeutic bodywork. Firmly rooted in East Asian medicine, Shinzui Shuhō uses the methodology of this ancient healing tradition to treat the body, mind, and spirit. It is taught as a postgraduate course open to all bodywork practitioners.

The 3 Pillars of Shinzui Shuhō:

Ampuku Visceral Shuhō

Ampuku Vascular Shuhō

Ampuku Neural Shuhō

Postgraduate Education

Intensive 2025
Shinzui Method - Intensive - Spring 2025
Shinzui Method - Intensive - Spring 2025
Apr 12, 2025, 10:00 AM GMT+9 – Apr 17, 2025, 3:00 PM GMT+9
Gyoganji Buddhist temple,
Japan, 〒812-0028 Fukuoka, Hakata Ward, Susakimachi, 13−18 行願寺

Shinzui Method

Shinzui (真髄) is the Japanese term for 'essence’ or ‘core’, it is a further evolution of the East Asian bodywork tradition, developed by Philippe Vandenabeele after more than 30 years of practice, study and teaching. Born out of his hands-on experience - giving tens of thousands of treatments - it fuses different treatment modalities into one comprehensive system. Enriched by Philippe’s research into the roots of Shiatsu and Ampuku, the Shinzui Method brings the essence of these East Asian bodywork traditions to the modern clinical practice of the art of therapeutic touch.

To understand, listen and communicate with the innate body intelligence, the Daoist tradition teaches us the science of Ki. Ki offers us a multi-layered map to understand the workings of the body’s inner landscape. At the core of this multi-layered matrix of life is Wuji or ‘stillness/emptiness/potential’. It is further expressed through the polarity of Yin and Yang, the three Dantien, the Five Transformations, the Six Greater Meridians, and the Eight Extraordinary Vessels. This sophisticated all-inclusive mapping of the human body helps us to appreciate the interconnectedness of the body and to make our treatments more effective. As well as learning new techniques, the Shinzui Method training offers the practitioner a holistic perspective that allows them to build further on what they already know.

The Shinzui Method is an integrated way of working with the following major body systems:

  • Energetic system: Wu-Ji emptiness/potential, 12 organ meridians & 5 transformations, 6 greater meridians & 3 families, 8 Extraordinary Vessels and Bagua, 3 Dantien

  • Visceral system: Zang Fu organ network, visceral anatomy, visceral neural and vascular system

  • Cardiovascular system: heart, blood vessels, and mesentery

  • Craniosacral and Neural system: brain, skull, spine, spinal fluid, and nerves

  • Myofascial system: fascia, muscle chains, diaphragms, and tendons

  • Skeletal system: bone structure, postural alignment

Inner Cultivation

Cultivating and embracing ‘stillness in action’ is the basis for true mastery of any art - including the art of touch. That is why, in the Shinzui Method curriculum, we give ample time and space for Inner Cultivation. The Daoist practices of Meditation, Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Nei Dan are at the core of our work.


Shinzui Method Curriculum

In the Shinzui Method curriculum, a special focus is placed on the three Dantien.

In East Asian medicine, the 3 Dantien, or ‘Elixir Fields,’ are the main energetic centers linked to the Abdomen, Heart, and Brain:

  • Lower Dantien - Abdomen - Ampuku Visceral Therapy

  • Middle Dantien - Heart - Ampuku Cardiovascular Therapy

  • Upper Dantien - Brain - Ampuku Neural Therapy

Each of the three Dantiens has its own rhythm or ‘tide’ and in the Shinzui Method training, we take time to connect with these. In the Lower Dantien, we work with the ‘Visceral Tides’; in the Middle Dantien, we work with the ‘Cardiovascular Tides’; in the Upper Dantien, we focus primarily on the ‘Craniosacral Tides’.

Working with these rhythms or tides was, until now, mainly seen as the exclusive domain of Osteopathic, Craniosacral, or Visceral practitioners. However, in the Shinzui Method, we look at them through the lens of East Asian medicine and recognize them as Yin and Yang body movements. This adds a whole new dimension to understanding and working with the subtle tides - which can then be combined with other techniques to address the different body systems.

The core curriculum is divided into three modalities or three pillars:

  • Ampuku Visceral Therapy (AVT) - focuses on the Abdomen / Lower Dantien  (下丹田)

  • Ampuku Cardiovascular Therapy (ACT) - focuses on the Heart / Middle Dantien (中丹)

  • Ampuku Neural Therapy (ANT) - focuses on the Brain and Nervous system / Upper Dantien (上丹)

Each of the three modalities has two Levels of certification:

  • Foundation Certificate - Level 1 AVT, ACT, ANT

  • Advanced Certificate - Level 2 AVT, ACT, ANT

ShinzuiDo Foundation and Advanced.png

All modules are in hybrid format, combining in-person and online studies. The online lessons and videos support the in-person courses and are available for students to access at any time.


Foundation Level:

In-person: AVT 1, ACT 1 and ANT 1 = 6 days of hands-on training.

Online: AVT 1, ACT 1 and ANT 1 are 10 hours each = 30 hours of online lessons.


Advanced Level:

In-person: AVT 2, ACT 2 and ANT 2 = 6 days of hands-on training.

Online: AVT 2, ACT 2 and ANT 2 are 10 hours each = 30 hours of online lessons.


The full Shinzui Method program is a total of 132 hours.

All modules can be taken separately at your own pace.


Certification requirements

  • Each level requires successful completion of the related modules – both in-person training and online lessons (e.g. Foundation Level: AVT 1, ACT 1, ANT 1)

  • Submit ten (10) case write-ups following the required format

  • Successfully complete an online practical/oral/written exam

Who can best benefit from the Shinzui Method training?

The training is open to all professional bodyworkers seeking to develop and deepen their practice. Whether you are a shiatsu practitioner, chiropractor, osteopath, craniosacral therapist, physical therapist, or you practice any other form of manual therapy, Shinzui Method can help increase the effectiveness of your techniques, plus add new techniques to your repertoire. The course also offers new perspectives and an integrated way of working – all the better to help our patients.


The Shinzui Method training is open to practitioners, and to students nearing the end of their studies. Participants are asked to provide evidence of over 200 hours of bodywork/manual therapy training.

About the Teacher:

Philippe Vandenabeele is a senior Shiatsu practitioner and certified instructor (American Organization for Bodywork Therapies of Asia) based in Fukuoka, Japan. With over 30 years of clinical practice and international teaching experience, Philippe has consolidated his knowledge, insights, and practical experience to develop the Shinzui Method, a unique approach to bodywork.

He is also the author of ‘Ampuku Abdominal Acupressure: The Classics at the Heart of Japanese Bodywork’ a work which includes the first complete English translation of the Ampuku Zukai and the chapters on Ampuku and Fukushin from the Anma Tebiki.

Read Philippe’s articles:

‘Ampuku at the Heart of Shiatsu’ - Shiatsu Society UK Journal, Issue 160, Winter 2021

‘Touching the Tides of our Being’ - Shiatsu Society UK Journal, Issue 164, Winter 2022


The courses in Fukuoka are held at the Gyoganji Buddhist Temple. It's a serene and welcoming venue in a very convenient location with easy access to hotels, restaurants, transport, sightseeing and parks. (in Japanese)


850 Euros

This fee includes 6 days of in-person classes and unlimited access to the course's online platform and Shinzui Method online community.


Travel, lodging, and meals are not included. There are plenty of hotels and restaurants close by the course venue to serve all budgets and tastes.



All courses are taught in English.

Private tutorial sessions are also available - at Philippe’s practice in Fukuoka - in the following languages: English, Japanese, French, Dutch and Swedish. Early booking is recommended (a few months in advance) as availability is limited.



All modules are in hybrid format, combining in-person and online studies. The online lessons and videos support the in-person courses and are available for students to access at any time


2 days in-person + 10 hours of online lessons

Focus: Lower Dantien (下丹田) - abdominal centre - in combination with whole body treatment

Course content:

  • Meditation, Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Nei Dan

  • Three-dimensional listening and body reading 

  • Ampuku and Visceral techniques for Yang Ming (Stomach - Large Intestine) and Tai Yin (Lung - Spleen)

  • Visceral Yin and Yang tides of the organs, the connective tissues

  • The Bagua eight forces map and how to use it in bodywork

  • Addressing specific health conditions – e.g., constipation and whiplash


2 days in-person + 10 hours of online lessons

Focus: Middle Dantien (中丹) - heart centre - in combination with whole body treatment


Course content:

  • Meditation, Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Nei Dan

  • Three-dimensional listening and body reading 

  • Ampuku and Cardiovascular techniques for Tai Yang (Bladder - Small Intestine) and Shao Yin (Heart – Kidney)

  • Cardiovascular Yin and Yang tides of heart and blood vessels, the connective tissues

  • The Bagua eight forces map and how to use it in bodywork

  • Addressing specific health conditions -e.g., hypertension, depression and anxiet


2 days in-person + 10 hours of online lessons

Focus: Upper Dantien (上丹) - brain centre - in combination with whole body treatment


Course content:

  • Meditation, Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Nei Dan

  • Three-dimensional listening and body reading 

  • Ampuku and Craniosacral techniques for Ren Mai and Du Mai

  • The Craniosacral Yin and Yang tides, the connective tissues

  • The Bagua eight forces and the Micro Cosmic Orbit

  • Addressing specific health conditions – e.g., chronic pain and PTSD


To be awarded the Shinzui Method Foundation level certificate students must:

  • Successfully complete AVT 1, ACT 1 and ANT 1 (both in-person and online lessons)

  • Submit ten (10) case write-ups following the required format

  • Successfully complete an online practical/oral/written exam

Evolution of the work

There may be minor adaptations to the curriculum to align it with any new developments or insights into the nature of the work. It is our aim to align our teachings with the practical application of therapeutic touch

in clinical practice



All modules are in hybrid format, combining in-person and online studies. The online lessons and videos support the in-person courses and are available for students to access at any time


2 days in-person + 10 hours of online lessons

Focus: Lower Dantien (下丹田) - abdominal centre - in combination with whole body treatment

Course content:

  • Meditation, Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Nei Dan

  • Ampuku and Visceral techniques for Shao Yang (Triple Burner - Gallbladder) and Jue Yin (Pericardium - Liver)

  • Visceral Yin and Yang tides of the organs, the connective tissues, Mesentery

  • The Bagua eight forces map and how to use it in bodywork

  • Addressing specific health conditions


2 days in-person + 10 hours of online lessons

Focus: Middle Dantien (中丹) - heart centre - in combination with whole body treatment


Course content:

  • Meditation, Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Nei Dan

  • Ampuku and Cardiovascular techniques for Tai Yang (Bladder - Small Intestine) and Shao Yin (Heart – Kidney)

  • Ampuku and Craniosacral techniques for Chong Mai and Dai Mai

  • Cardiovascular Yin and Yang tides of heart and blood vessels, the connective tissues

  • The Bagua eight forces map and how to use it in bodywork

  • Addressing specific health conditions


2 days in-person + 10 hours of online lessons

Focus: Upper Dantien (上丹) - brain centre - in combination with whole body treatment


Course content:

  • Meditation, Qi Gong, Nei Gong and Nei Dan

  • Three-dimensional listening and body reading 

  • Ampuku and Craniosacral techniques for the Wei Mai and the Qiao Mai

  • The Craniosacral Yin and Yang tides, the connective tissues

  • The Bagua eight forces and the Micro Cosmic Orbit

  • Addressing specific health conditions


To be awarded the Shinzui Method Foundation level certificate students must:

  • Successfully complete AVT 2, ACT 2 and ANT 2 (both in-person and online lessons)

  • Submit ten (10) case write-ups following the required format

  • Successfully complete an online practical/oral/written exam

Evolution of the work

There may be minor adaptations to the curriculum to align it with any new developments or insights into the nature of the work. It is our aim to align our teachings with the practical application of therapeutic touch

in clinical practice



Watch the Webinar with

Philippe Vandenabeele, introducing

Ampuku Visceral Therapy


Cancellation policy: in general, no refund can be given once a course has been signed up for and paid. For courses involving travel, we recommend that you take travel cancellation insurance when booking your trip.

Tutorials and Supervision

Tutorials and supervision offer a valuable opportunity for reflection, questions,

feedback and individual support.​

They are available for students or practitioners wishing to deepen, empower

and enrich their manual therapy practice.

Find out more about our Tutorials and Supervision.

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